EmpireFightingChance, a return visit from this remarkable duo.

Friday 13th December 2024

I would like to extend my sincere thanks for The Clifton Rotary Club’s most generous donation of £1,000 to support the work of Empire Fighting Chance. As you made your donation through the Big Give match funding campaign, I am delighted to tell you your donation was doubled to £2,000 (+£250 gift aid), and it has been safely received our end. I can assure you that your £2,250 gift will help us reach more vulnerable young people and help them make transformational changes in their lives.
The need for our work has never been greater. Young people are facing one of the most challenging times of a generation with increased social inequality, reduced mental health services and an uncertain economic future. Since the pandemic we have seen more young people coming to us with more complex emotional and behavioural issues. Donations like this ensure we can continue meeting this growing demand; providing the support these young people need during the most difficult times in their lives.
The work of Empire Fighting Chance means that young people who were at risk of exclusion from mainstream education are now staying in school, that young people who felt the only option for their future was unemployment are in further training or work and that young people who needed support with their mental health are receiving professional therapeutic support.
We are incredibly grateful for your support, which will enable more young people to get the support they need to lead positive and productive lives. It would be wonderful if the Clifton Rotary Club could visit us at our gym in Easton and meet some of the young people that your generous donation will be supporting. Please do let me know when you would like to visit, and we can get it arranged! 
Thank you again, I look forward to updating you on the impact your donation has had soon.
Best wishes, 
Emily & Matt

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